
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Teknik Forex Sebenar - Suatu Perkongsian Pengalaman

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera,

Agak poyo sedikit posting saya yang lepas yang dibuat dalam bahasa omputeh. Terpaksa buat sebab nak memenuhi requirement google adsense. hahaha.  

Ok. Berbalik pada cerita asal, tentang Teknik Forex Sebenar. Bagi sesiapa yang tak tau apa itu Forex, mungkin akan menganggap forex ni adalah skim cepat kaya atau yang macam MLM nak kena cari-cari orang. Maaf, anda silap kerana forex bukanlah skim cepat kaya, bukan Multi-Level Marketing dan bukan skim kena cari-cari orang

Sebelum ini saya beranggapan ramai yang tahu apa itu forex. Rupa-rupanya saya silap sebab baru-baru ni salah seorang rakan saya sendiri mengatakan beliau dah orex ni dan bagi satu website untuk rujukan saya. Bila saya check website tersebut, ternyata bukan walaupun sememangnya website tersebut berasaskan urusniaga forex. Saya cuba bertanya lagi pada rakan saya tadi, rupanya beliau tidak tahu apa itu forex dan join skim tersebut atas desakan sepupu. RM500 dah dikeluarkan dan apa yang boleh dibuat hanyalah mengharap pada pulangan yang dijanjikan di website tersebut.

Sebenarnya forex bukanlah skim cepat kaya. Tak perlu pun nak cari-cari orang suruh join skim untuk buat duit. Tetapi melalui forex anda boleh kaya atau paling tidak pun sebagai pendapatan sampingan, hanya dengan berdagang matawang atas analisis sendiri tanpa perlu mengharapkan orang lain. Tetapi jika anda masih baru, anda semestinya perlukan guidance dan Teknik Forex Sebenar adalah guide yang anda perlukan.

Pakej ebook dan video tutorial yang disediakan oleh penulis amat berbaloi dan lengkap disamping support yang berterusan di group rahsia facebook kami. Ramai yang telah berjaya hanya dengan mengikuti panduan yang diberikan serta tunjuk ajar dari penulis sendiri. Saya ulangi, jika anda benar-benar ikuti panduan yang diberikan.

Saya tak mahu penuhi ruang blog saya dengan screenshot gambar-gambar dan testimoni mereka yang berjaya sebab tak nak nampak macam blog jual barang pulak nanti, tetapi anda boleh melihat screenshot tersebut di web jualan Teknik Forex Sebenar di sini.

Bercerita tentang pengalaman saya membeli pakej ini, pada mulanya saya agak ragu-ragu untuk mengeluarkan sejumlah wang yang agak besar nilainya pada saya, tetapi saya nekad dan percaya untuk berjaya perlu ada pengorbanan (walaupun kadang-kadang tu ada yang saya korbankan itu agak bodoh keputusannya). Hahaha. Atas alasan tersebut, saya beli, saya baca dan fahami apa yang diajarkan. Memang mudah untuk difahami kerana bahasa Melayu santai yang digunakan penulis amat mudah nak difahami. Terasa lebih dekat dan seperti tidak ada gap langsung. Support di group facebook juga amat hebat dan cepat disamping ramai rakan-rakan lain yang membuat perkongsian tentang forex. Oh ya, penulis juga ada membuat kelas tutorial di setiap negeri dan kelas tersebut adalah atas inisiatif pembeli-pembeli ebook ini juga. Hebat kan? Macam suatu keluarga besar sebenarnya.

Di bawah ini adalah preview dari ebook tersebut. Jika anda mahu preview percuma ini, boleh request dari saya.

Jika anda masih ragu-ragu untuk mendapatkan ebook ini, saya akan memberikan anda preview ebook tersebut secara percuma. Boleh tinggalkan komen dan email anda di ruangan komen di bawah jika anda berminat dan saya akan emailkan review tersebut kepada anda secepat mungkin.

Jika anda ingin terus ke web jualan Teknik Forex Sebenar, boleh klik pada banner di bawah.

Kesimpulannya, apa yang boleh saya jamin ialah, anda tidak akan menyesal jika membeli pakej ebook ini dan jaminan pulangan wang 30 hari juga disediakan jika anda tidak berpuas hati dengan pakej ini. Saya sendiri tidak menyesal dengan keputusan saya untuk membeli pakej ini dahulu kerana ilmu yang diberikan oleh penulis amat bermakna dan begitu membantu saya dalam urusniaga forex saya sendiri. Ebook ini juga amat sesuai untuk mereka yang baru ingin bermula dalam forex dan juga mereka yang telah lama berniaga forex.

Kadar trafik untuk web tersebut adalah teramat tinggi buat masa sekarang dan anda mungkin akan mengalami sedikit masalah untuk web tersebut terpapar penuh.

Baiklah, semoga perkongsian yang serba ringkas ini boleh membantu anda.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

The All Blacks Guide To Being Successful (Off The Field)

When England face the All Blacks on Saturday, they will line up against statistically the most successful sporting team in human history. New Zealand's win-rate over the last 100 years is over 75 per cent. It's a phenomenal record, and an achievement matched by no other elite team, in any code.

But back in 2004, something was wrong. The 2003 World Cup had gone badly, and by the start of the following year senior All Blacks were threatening to leave. Discipline was drunk and disorderly, and to make things worse, the All Blacks were losing.

In response, a new management team under Graham Henry began to rebuild the world's most successful sporting team from the inside out. They wanted a fresh culture that placed emphasis on individual character and personal leadership. Their mantra? 'Better People Make Better All Blacks'. The result? An incredible win-rate of just over 86pc, and a Rugby World Cup.

In early 2010, I had the privilege of going deep inside the All Blacks camp for five weeks alongside photojournalist Nick Danziger. It was a unique opportunity to study the way the best in the world stay on top of their game.

Here are five lessons in leadership I learnt.

1. Sweep the sheds

Before leaving the dressing room at the end of the game, some of the most famous names in world rugby – including Richie McCaw, Dan Carter and Mils Muliana – stop and tidy up after themselves. They literally and figuratively 'sweep the sheds'.

Former All Black Andrew Mehrtens describes it as an example of personal humility, a cardinal All Blacks value.

Though it might seem strange for a team of imperious dominance, humility is core to their culture. The All Blacks believe that it's impossible to achieve stratospheric success without having your feet planted firmly on the ground.

2. Follow the spearhead

In Maori, whanau means 'extended family'. It's symbolised by the spearhead.

Though a spearhead has three tips, to be effective all of its force must move in one direction. Hence the All Blacks mantra 'No D*******s', a term shamelessly stolen from the Sydney Swans.

The All Blacks select on character as well as talent, which means some of New Zealand's most promising players never pull on the black jersey – considered d*******s, their inclusion would be detrimental to the whanau.

3. Champions do extra

Former All Black Brad Thorn's mantra, 'Champions Do Extra', helped him become one of the single most successful players in rugby history.

The philosophy simply means finding incremental ways to do more – in the gym, on the field, or for the team. It is much like the philosophy of marginal gains used by Team Sky.

A focus on continual improvement, the creation of a continual learning environment, and a willingness to spill blood for the jersey was at the core of Graham Henry's All Black culture.

4. Keep a blue head

Following their arguably premature exit at the 2003 World Cup, the All Blacks worked with forensic psychiatrist Ceri Evans to understand how the brain works under pressure. They wanted to overcome their habit of choking.

'Red Head' is an unresourceful state in which you are off task, panicked and ineffective. 'Blue Head', on the other hand, is an optimal state in which you are on task and performing to your best ability.

The All Blacks use triggers to switch from Red to Blue. Richie McCaw stamps his feet, literally grounding himself, while Kieran Read stares at the farthest point of the stadium, searching for the bigger picture.

Using these triggers, the players aim to achieve clarity and accuracy, so they can perform under pressure.

5. Leave the jersey in a better place

The All Blacks have long had a saying: ‘leave the jersey in a better place’. Their task is to represent all those who have come before them – from George Nepia to Colin Meads, Michael Jones to Jonah Lomu, and all those who follow suit. An All Black is, by definition, a role model to schoolchildren across New Zealand.

Understanding this responsibility creates a compelling sense of higher purpose. It's a good lesson for us all: if we play a bigger game, we play a more effective game.

Better people make better All Blacks – but they also make better doctors and lawyers, bankers and businessmen, fathers, brothers, and friends.

by James Kerr

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Teknik Forex Sebenar 5th Edition Will Be Relaunched on 18th November 2013!!

Good news for you. If your really want to learn forex from the best forex Guru in Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei and Indonesia, you have the chance to learn with Teknik Forex Sebenar (TFS) courses and forex ebook written by Khalid Hamid.

Further information will be given in the nearest period of time. For present, you may download the FREE preview of the ebook here.

Teknik Forex Sebenar (TFS) Secret Group in Facebook

This is the secret weapon of many traders who bought the TFS. They gained access to a secret group in TFS.

What is the best thing being in this group?

This group is the secret weapon for the TFS buyers. The after sales support from the writer himself specially for you. This group is also as an additional support beside from the ebook and the tutorial video included in the package. Should you need additional advice, you may ask the experience traders in the group. The respond and guide are brilliant, with accurate forex analysis (Disclaimer: Trade at Your Own Risk).

As an additional, Khalid Hamid often give updates and his thoughts in this group. For a newbie like me, it can be a very satisfying advice from the Guru himself, Khalid Hamid. Let us look at one of the posts made ​​by Masta Khalid in the group:

You will only get this kind of feedback if you BUY Teknik Forex Sebenar. All buyers will be given a FREE pass to join this FB's Secret Group.


Sorry guys. Teknik Forex Sebenar is currently still close and will not receive any order until the opening day (18th November 2013). But you may view the Teknik Forex Sebenar website HERE. (if you can't wait any longer. :D) or you can click on the banner on top of the sidebar.

You may contact me should you need any advise or assistance.

Have a blast day ahead!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Change Is Good

Somehow the thought of any real change causes a tightening in your chest, a lump in your throat and a burn in your stomach. Why? Change evokes fear automatically as a human response.

Since the beginning of time, mankind has grappled with change. We all know stories or have loved ones or friends who are so rigid in their thinking that even the most minor deviation from their daily routine sends them into a tailspin.

But change is good! Not for the sake of change, but because it shakes things up, allows you to broaden your scope and opens your mind to possibilities that were never apparent.

Resisting change causes a great deal of stress and can be extremely uncomfortable. But continuing to resist inevitable or positive change immobilizes people and their ability to perform their work at a high level. Some very smart and seemingly successful people have failed for this reason alone.

What can we do? Try this. Every time someone presents you with an opportunity for change or a new set of circumstances hits you square in the face and does not give you a choice, stop, relax and do not resist. Simply be with the news for a while. After all, the change is not usually going to occur instantaneously. I call it the 24 hour rule. See how you feel 24 hours later. By then you have had time to digest the information, visualize what aspects of your daily routine and life it will affect and then purposely look for ways that it could actually be a good thing. For with every change, even when it is perceived as bad, there is always something there that will propel you positively forward if you will let it.

Turn your fear of change into your love of improvement!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Secret to Personal Change

Most people want to change something about themselves. In this country we have an optimistic tradition about "getting somewhere" and "reaching higher," which includes getting somewhere with the self. Change and optimism go together. It seems, in the current economic downturn, that optimism is lagging, but there's still a strong motivation to succeed, which means overcoming obstacles. Many, if not most of the obstacles that people face in their rise to success, are personal. Which is why almost everyone wants to change a habit, a personality trait, a chronic state of anxiety, and so on.
The problem with personal change is that if you attack your old habits directly, the task is quite difficult. The mind that desires change confronts the mind that is bound by old conditioning. The result is inner conflict, with one side pushing and the other side resisting. Countless people feel trapped inside this war, whether their goal is to stop overeating, manage their anger, become more assertive, or stop being fearful - the desire to change isn't enough, and keeping up the motivation to change soon wears out.
The secret to personal change is to stop fighting against yourself. If the inner war was winnable, you'd have won it long ago. I'm not advising you to give up. Giving up takes you out of the war zone, but that's not enough to create positive change. Your brain is still trained to follow the pathways set down by habit and conditioning. This is where the secret to personal change comes in. Change occurs by giving the brain new pathways. Without these new pathways, your default reactions will remain in place. Brain wiring isn't the same as house wiring. Even if you are "wired" to overeat or to lose your temper quickly, these reactions can be over-ridden.
The process has a few steps that need to be repeated anytime you find yourself having a familiar, undesirable reaction.
1. Notice what you're about to do.
2. Pause, close your eyes and wait until the surge of your reaction quiets down.
3. Ask yourself if you really need to react this way.
What you're doing with these steps is bringing in the higher brain, which is the only part that can decide to change and then carry out the change. The part that keeps you from changing is emotional and impulsive - in other words the lower brain. The lower brain has quicker access than the higher brain, which is why you jump when you hear a car backfire and only seconds later make the decision that you are not in danger. Survival impulses like hunger, aggression, and fight-or-flight aren't stronger than reason; they are just faster and thoughtless.
By pausing and waiting for the surge to pass, you give yourself time to do the things that the higher brain is expert at: considering, reflecting, weighing options, etc. But here comes the tricky part. If you have given in to impulse and habit many times, ignoring the choices available to your higher brain, grooves of habit become the path of least resistance. In a word, the more often the lower brain is favoured, the weaker your decision-making becomes. That’s why over-eaters feel helpless to change their eating habit. They aren't hungrier than other people; they've weakened their other choices.
So your campaign, whatever kind of change you are aiming for, is to take back your power to choose. You must do this over and over. Only repetition can rebalance your brain, allowing stronger pathways to be built and older grooves to wear out. Besides the three steps given above, the following are also very useful.
- Write down how you feel.
- Make a note whenever you make a better choice.
- Appreciate your good choices and celebrate the fact that you made them.
These additional steps reinforce higher-brain awareness. They reconnect you to your emotional brain and teach it to see that it doesn't feel good just to overeat, lose your temper, or act aggressive. It feels just as good to make a better choice. Celebration, which many people leave out, reinforces the positive emotional side of making better choices. When you put all these steps together, they make change possible, not by fighting against yourself, but by adding the fulfilment of knowing that you are the author of your own life story and can turn the plot in any direction you want.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Delaying Gratification - 5 Tips on How to Delay Gratification

One of the hardest things to do for most people is delaying their immediate gratification. We live in a society where we want everything and we want it now, without much consideration to its future impact. This attitude is learned from a young age where kids want things immediately and parents more often than not give in. However being able to delay immediate gratification has a direct impact on our success in life, and not just financial, but in all aspects of life. By now you might know that besides finance my other passion is psychology (not surprising since I studied it for 4 years) and one of my all times favourite study is the Standford Marshmallow Test. If you are not familiar with the test here is a quick summary.

"Years ago, psychologist Walter Mischel conducted an experiment on a group of four-year olds. Each child was offered a marshmallow, and was told that they could have it now, or if they could wait several minutes, they could have two. Some children grabbed the marshmallow on the spot but many of them were able to hold off. The interesting part of the study was that Mischel followed up on the children as adults and he discovered that those who didn’t eat their marshmallows that day were generally more self-motivated, successful in school and considered emotionally intelligent. On the other hand those who simply couldn’t wait generally had low self-esteem and had suffered in school, branded by both their teachers and parents as being stubborn, envious and easily frustrated"

This study has been replicated by David Walsh Check out this YouTube clip. There is a very strong link between delaying gratification and success in life, the earlier we learn this skill the better off we will be. However it is never too late to learn how to delay your immediate gratification; here are some tips that can help you along the way.

1. Make an Advance Decision and Know What You Want
Get your decision in writing. Try to be as detailed as possible about your decision as well as the expected outcome. Sometimes it can be hard to say NO to things, you have to have a clear picture of what you want in order to resist the urge.

2. Know what is Important to You- Know Your Values.
In order to be able to delay immediate gratification you need to know what is important to you, what do you value to most? Is it the satisfaction of owning a brand new car or that you own a pre-owned car debt free? Know your values.

3. Have a Plan
I don’t think that every aspect of one’s life should be planned out in detailed but in order to reach your goals, whatever they maybe, you need to have a plan. You should have a financial plan to reach your financial goals, a career plan to reach your career goals etc. If you have a plan it becomes easier to resists the urge of immediate satisfaction, you may be more conscious of your behaviour and how they fit in your plan.

4. Prioritize
Have clear priorities in life this can be financial priorities or just general priorities in life, such as school comes before entertainment, family before friends etc. Having clear priorities will go a long way in delaying gratification.

5. Reward Yourself
If you have long term goals, I highly recommend you set-up some short term goals and reward yourself for reaching them. Sometimes it can be very difficult to keep focus on long term goals if we don’t see some rewards, giving yourself small rewards can be very powerful.

Delaying gratification is not an easy task, but it is something that can be learned over time, following some of these steps will help you in the process. However do not stop at these there are tones of resources online on this topic take some time and go through some of them.

Wednesday, April 03, 2013


Forex traders mainly use two main types of analyses for their trading strategies: technical and fundamental analysis. This short article will focus on fundamental analysis, with special emphasis on how to use it in forex trading.

Fundamental analysis refers to political and economic conditions which can influence the prices of currency pairs. Forex traders who use fundamental analysis base their decisions on information such as unemployment rates, economic policy, inflation, growth rates, etc.

Fundamental analysis is often used to get an overall view of currency movements. It provides a general evaluation of economic conditions which affect a given currency. Most forex traders count on fundamental analysis to find entry and exit points on the currency market and they complete their analysis with fundamental analysis.

Currency prices on the Forex are affected by supply and demand forces that are influenced by the economic situation. The two most important economic factors affecting supply and demand are interest rates and the strength of the economy. The strength of the economy is affected by GDP (gross domestic product), foreign investments and the balance of exports/imports.

Economic indicators

Various economic indicators are announced by government and university sources. These are reliable measurements of the country’s economic health which are monitored by all investment sectors. The indicators are generally published on a monthly basis but some are published each week.

Two of the most important fundamental indicators are the central banks’ interest rates and the balance of imports/exports. There are of course a multitude of important indicators (consumer price index, durable good orders, production price index, retail sales, etc.).

Interest rates – high interest rates attract foreign investments which will reinforce the local currency. In addition, stock market investors often react to interest rate increases by selling off stocks since they believe the increased cost of borrowing money will affect many companies. Stock market investors may sell their shares, which will slow down the stock market and the national economy.

Determining which of these two effects dominates depends on many complex factors, but there is a general consensus that exists among economic observers in terms of the way in which interest rate changes affect an economy and the price of a currency.

The export/import balance – A trade balance that shows a deficit (more imports than exports) is generally unfavorable for a country’s economy. A deficit trade balance means that money circulating in the country is being used to buy goods made abroad, which can have an unfavorable effect on a currency. Typically, market expectations determine whether a deficit trade balance is unfavorable or not. The trade balance will affect currency prices if the figure that is announced is higher than expected.

There are 28 main indicators used in the United States. Economic indicators have important effects on the financial markets, so forex traders must take these economic announcements into account when defining their trading strategies. The economic statistic calendar provides traders with announcements in real time.

source : HotForex

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Teknik Forex Sebenar - Face to Face Tutorial

Alhamdulillah, pada 30 Mac 2013 yang lepas, telah berlangsung kelas tutorial bagi pembeli ebook Teknik Forex Sebenar yang diadakan di d'Villang Resort, Ayer Keroh, Melaka. Bersempena dengan cuti sekolah, kesempatan itu diambil untuk membawa sekali anak-anak berjalan-jalan makan angin.

Kelas tutorial yang dikelolakan sendiri oleh penulis ebook Teknik Forex Sebenar, iaitu encik Khalid Hamid telah mendapat sambutan yang hangat, sehinggakan terpaksa dibuat di dalam 2 sessi iaitu pagi dan petang. Kelas yang berlangsung selama 3 jam itu, banyak merungkaikan cara-cara untuk melihat candlestick dan membaca pergerakan market dengan lebih senang, mudah dan simple tetapi amat bermakna sekali untuk trader-trader baru seperti saya (dalam kelas ni juga ada seorang brader berumur 50-an dan juga baru berjinak-jinak dalam trading forex ini, hebat kan?).

Walaupun kelas tersebut hanya berlangsung selama 3 jam, tetapi ilmu yang didapati amat bermanfaat dan boleh saya katakan tidak rugi langsung menghadirinya. Banyak persoalan, teknik dan tips yang dikongsi bersama oleh penulis dan para peserta lain.

Inilah antara keistimewaan yang saya dapat hasil dari membeli ebook Teknik Forex Sebenar, selain dari support yang berterusan dari penulis sendiri di group facebook. Anda juga menikmati keistimewaan ini jika membeli ebook Teknik Forex Sebenar ini. Apa tunggu lagi?

macam biasa, sessi bergambar tetap ada

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

eBook Review : Teknik Forex Sebenar V3

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera,

Untuk posting kali ini, saya akan membuat review tentang sebuah ebook Forex yang sedang hangat di pasaran Forex, iaitu TEKNIK FOREX SEBENAR V3 yang ditulis oleh Khalid Hamid.

Alah membeli, menang memakai. Itulah yang dapat digambarkan jika membeli ebook Teknik Forex Sebenar v3 ini. Tidak rugi. Berbaloi. Value for money. Bukan saya nak memuji lebih-lebih, tapi itulah gambaran sebenar yang dapat saya katakan tentang ebook ini.

Ditulis di dalam bahasa Melayu dengan gaya bahasa yang penuh santai, ebook ini telah berevolusi dari versi 1 hinggalah yang terbaru ini iaitu versi 3. Terdapat penambahbaikan dari versi 1, versi 2 dan seterusnya ke versi 3 ini. 

Sebelum itu, sedikit info mengenai penulis. Beliau merupakan seorang part-time Forex Trader dan bekerja secara full-time sebagai seorang currency analyst di sebuah institusi kewangan antarabangsa dan buku ini dihasilkan dari pengalaman beliau sebagai seorang currency analyst dan pengalaman sebenar beliau sebagai forex trader.

Khalid Hamid - Penulis
Baiklah, kenapa saya katakan tadi tidak rugi membeli ebook ini. Berikut adalah apa yang anda akan dapat jika membeli ebook ini.

  • Support yang berterusan dari penulis sendiri di dalam group facebook.
  • Dilengkapi dengan video tutorial lengkap setting platform forex
  • Teknik-teknik yang mudah serta simple yang hanya anda perlu ikuti
  • Disertakan sekali dengan money management calculator untuk anda
  • MONEY BACK GUARANTEED!! (ini yang penting)
Jika anda berminat untuk mendapatkan ebook ini, boleh klik di sini . 
Atau boleh hubungi saya jika anda berminat untuk mendapatkan preview ebook ini.

Teknik Forex Sebenar di FB - lihat ahlinya!

Jangan berlengah lagi - KLIK DI SINI

Friday, March 22, 2013


In the middle of the 1990′s, retail investors started to trade currencies on the forex market thanks to the presence of online forex brokers. During the last 15 years, many brokers have started to pop up, the market has become increasingly competitive and forex trading spreads have gone down.

The forex industry has developed many exceptional trading tools such as chart analysis software and even trading signal services with automatic execution. Nevertheless, many traders lose money for several reasons: bad risk management (money management), a lack of training in trading, the use of excessive leverage, etc.

But perhaps the biggest challenge that a trader faces is the fact that market’s are not always trending and they are not always ranging. Lots of traders have winning strategies, however, these strategies are sometimes being used at the wrong time! A majority of traders are trend traders (“the trend is your friend” ever hear that one?), but most of the time they shouldn’t be trading as the market only trends about 30% of the time! Unfortunately, lots of traders have trouble waiting on the sidelines for a trend to develop. When the market is stuck in a range and consolidating, you are more likely to hit a stop loss than a take profit.

The opposite is true of range traders as well. Once the market takes a definite direction, they have trouble waiting for the next consolidation area.

Knowing when not to trade is just as important as knowing when to jump in. And looking elsewhere for other opportunities is key as well. Many traders only trade the EUR/USD as this is the most liquid pair, but there are other major pairs as well. Following this logic, it also makes sense to look for opportunities in other time ranges. If you trade the 15-min chart, try looking at the 1-hour or 4-hour chart, you might see other opportunities there (of course, jumping to higher time frames means staying in a trade for a longer period of time, but with proper money management this should not be a problem.


Thursday, March 21, 2013

HotForex Launches 100% Credit Bonus On All New Deposits

HotForex is excited to introduce their new 100% Credit Bonus which essentially doubles your trading power when you make a new deposit. As quite possibly their greatest and most generous bonus offering so far, clients can enjoy the following key benefits:

  • Protection from Margin Calls and Stop Outs during Drawdown periods
  • Increased Leverage
  • Full bonus amount withdrawal under the right conditions

The bonus is applicable on all new deposits of $100 or more and is available from today for a limited time only. Please visit their website for more information on the benefits of this bonus program.

If you would like to take advantage of their exciting new 100% Credit Bonus but do not have a Live Account yet, you can open one in just a few minutes by completing their secure and convenient online application form.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


In Currency Trading there are a multitude of strategies that can be profitable. I don’t care which strategy you use but if you don’t overlay your strategy with the 5 points below then I believe that the probability of success will be really low.

1. Always Use Stop Losses – I cannot stress this enough.  To be able to use stop losses you have to accept them as a cost of doing business.  The same way a shopkeeper has to pay for rent or electricity, the trader has to pay for Stop losses.  Usually new traders do not like to use Stop Losses because many times the price returns towards their initial entry and they end up being in the money. So in their mind, using a stop loss would only create an unnecessary red spot in their account.  But you might find yourself in a scenario where the price does not return to your entry and your account gets wiped out.

Remember, trading is a marathon and not a sprint. You have to survive for a while until you learn how to trade. And the only way to survive is by using stop losses!

2. Multi-Timeframe Analysis – You might have a favourite time frame to trade. If you don’t then you should. Choose one so you learn the ins and outs of trading within that timeframe.  But always look out on the next timeframe to make sure you are on the correct side of the trend and that you are not selling into bigger timeframe support or buying into bigger timeframe resistance. For example, I always trade on the 15 minute chart but always consult the 1H timeframe.

3. Keep it Simple but not too simple – Trading should be simple enough so that decision making is clear and not complicated but you should keep in mind that confluence is important as well. Confluence means that more than one indicators/price action characteristics support a trading decision. For example I might buy a pair if it bounces over its upward sloping trend line and also bouncing of a support level in addition to forming a rejection candle.

4.  Learn the signal frequency of your method – You have to learn your method/strategy like the palm of your hand.  I know how many signals my strategy usually generates throughout every trading session. And I know this, because I am ‘connected’ with my strategy. This means that I do not over trade.  I trade the 2-3 signals a day my strategy generates and that’s it. If I start entering into more trades than what my strategy usually generates then I know I am overtrading.   Over trading can kill an account, since every new trade brings new risk on the table. And as traders we hate risk!

5.  Concentrate on the risk and not the profit – When you equate trading to risk management that’s when you will see your account grow. Trading is all about managing your risk. So cut your losses short. Winning trades are usually winning from the get-go. Be quick to protect your account. Personally I move my SL to entry as soon as a trade goes 15 pips in my favour. That’s a method that suits my strategy. You should protect your account as well with a method that suits your strategy.

source : HotForex

Saturday, March 16, 2013


Bila kau bersedih janganlah menangis oh sayangku
Tersenyumlah meski kau terluka
Ku tau kau sedih janganlah berlarut
Tersenyumlah dunia kan bersinar
Kalau duka menyerang jiwa biar hanya hati yang merasa
Tersenyum yang manis biar dunia lebih
Bersinar cerah
Kini kau tak sedih ku jadi bahagia
Memandang mu tersenyumlah dunia kan bersinar