
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Teknik Forex Sebenar - Suatu Perkongsian Pengalaman

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera,

Agak poyo sedikit posting saya yang lepas yang dibuat dalam bahasa omputeh. Terpaksa buat sebab nak memenuhi requirement google adsense. hahaha.  

Ok. Berbalik pada cerita asal, tentang Teknik Forex Sebenar. Bagi sesiapa yang tak tau apa itu Forex, mungkin akan menganggap forex ni adalah skim cepat kaya atau yang macam MLM nak kena cari-cari orang. Maaf, anda silap kerana forex bukanlah skim cepat kaya, bukan Multi-Level Marketing dan bukan skim kena cari-cari orang

Sebelum ini saya beranggapan ramai yang tahu apa itu forex. Rupa-rupanya saya silap sebab baru-baru ni salah seorang rakan saya sendiri mengatakan beliau dah orex ni dan bagi satu website untuk rujukan saya. Bila saya check website tersebut, ternyata bukan walaupun sememangnya website tersebut berasaskan urusniaga forex. Saya cuba bertanya lagi pada rakan saya tadi, rupanya beliau tidak tahu apa itu forex dan join skim tersebut atas desakan sepupu. RM500 dah dikeluarkan dan apa yang boleh dibuat hanyalah mengharap pada pulangan yang dijanjikan di website tersebut.

Sebenarnya forex bukanlah skim cepat kaya. Tak perlu pun nak cari-cari orang suruh join skim untuk buat duit. Tetapi melalui forex anda boleh kaya atau paling tidak pun sebagai pendapatan sampingan, hanya dengan berdagang matawang atas analisis sendiri tanpa perlu mengharapkan orang lain. Tetapi jika anda masih baru, anda semestinya perlukan guidance dan Teknik Forex Sebenar adalah guide yang anda perlukan.

Pakej ebook dan video tutorial yang disediakan oleh penulis amat berbaloi dan lengkap disamping support yang berterusan di group rahsia facebook kami. Ramai yang telah berjaya hanya dengan mengikuti panduan yang diberikan serta tunjuk ajar dari penulis sendiri. Saya ulangi, jika anda benar-benar ikuti panduan yang diberikan.

Saya tak mahu penuhi ruang blog saya dengan screenshot gambar-gambar dan testimoni mereka yang berjaya sebab tak nak nampak macam blog jual barang pulak nanti, tetapi anda boleh melihat screenshot tersebut di web jualan Teknik Forex Sebenar di sini.

Bercerita tentang pengalaman saya membeli pakej ini, pada mulanya saya agak ragu-ragu untuk mengeluarkan sejumlah wang yang agak besar nilainya pada saya, tetapi saya nekad dan percaya untuk berjaya perlu ada pengorbanan (walaupun kadang-kadang tu ada yang saya korbankan itu agak bodoh keputusannya). Hahaha. Atas alasan tersebut, saya beli, saya baca dan fahami apa yang diajarkan. Memang mudah untuk difahami kerana bahasa Melayu santai yang digunakan penulis amat mudah nak difahami. Terasa lebih dekat dan seperti tidak ada gap langsung. Support di group facebook juga amat hebat dan cepat disamping ramai rakan-rakan lain yang membuat perkongsian tentang forex. Oh ya, penulis juga ada membuat kelas tutorial di setiap negeri dan kelas tersebut adalah atas inisiatif pembeli-pembeli ebook ini juga. Hebat kan? Macam suatu keluarga besar sebenarnya.

Di bawah ini adalah preview dari ebook tersebut. Jika anda mahu preview percuma ini, boleh request dari saya.

Jika anda masih ragu-ragu untuk mendapatkan ebook ini, saya akan memberikan anda preview ebook tersebut secara percuma. Boleh tinggalkan komen dan email anda di ruangan komen di bawah jika anda berminat dan saya akan emailkan review tersebut kepada anda secepat mungkin.

Jika anda ingin terus ke web jualan Teknik Forex Sebenar, boleh klik pada banner di bawah.

Kesimpulannya, apa yang boleh saya jamin ialah, anda tidak akan menyesal jika membeli pakej ebook ini dan jaminan pulangan wang 30 hari juga disediakan jika anda tidak berpuas hati dengan pakej ini. Saya sendiri tidak menyesal dengan keputusan saya untuk membeli pakej ini dahulu kerana ilmu yang diberikan oleh penulis amat bermakna dan begitu membantu saya dalam urusniaga forex saya sendiri. Ebook ini juga amat sesuai untuk mereka yang baru ingin bermula dalam forex dan juga mereka yang telah lama berniaga forex.

Kadar trafik untuk web tersebut adalah teramat tinggi buat masa sekarang dan anda mungkin akan mengalami sedikit masalah untuk web tersebut terpapar penuh.

Baiklah, semoga perkongsian yang serba ringkas ini boleh membantu anda.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

The All Blacks Guide To Being Successful (Off The Field)

When England face the All Blacks on Saturday, they will line up against statistically the most successful sporting team in human history. New Zealand's win-rate over the last 100 years is over 75 per cent. It's a phenomenal record, and an achievement matched by no other elite team, in any code.

But back in 2004, something was wrong. The 2003 World Cup had gone badly, and by the start of the following year senior All Blacks were threatening to leave. Discipline was drunk and disorderly, and to make things worse, the All Blacks were losing.

In response, a new management team under Graham Henry began to rebuild the world's most successful sporting team from the inside out. They wanted a fresh culture that placed emphasis on individual character and personal leadership. Their mantra? 'Better People Make Better All Blacks'. The result? An incredible win-rate of just over 86pc, and a Rugby World Cup.

In early 2010, I had the privilege of going deep inside the All Blacks camp for five weeks alongside photojournalist Nick Danziger. It was a unique opportunity to study the way the best in the world stay on top of their game.

Here are five lessons in leadership I learnt.

1. Sweep the sheds

Before leaving the dressing room at the end of the game, some of the most famous names in world rugby – including Richie McCaw, Dan Carter and Mils Muliana – stop and tidy up after themselves. They literally and figuratively 'sweep the sheds'.

Former All Black Andrew Mehrtens describes it as an example of personal humility, a cardinal All Blacks value.

Though it might seem strange for a team of imperious dominance, humility is core to their culture. The All Blacks believe that it's impossible to achieve stratospheric success without having your feet planted firmly on the ground.

2. Follow the spearhead

In Maori, whanau means 'extended family'. It's symbolised by the spearhead.

Though a spearhead has three tips, to be effective all of its force must move in one direction. Hence the All Blacks mantra 'No D*******s', a term shamelessly stolen from the Sydney Swans.

The All Blacks select on character as well as talent, which means some of New Zealand's most promising players never pull on the black jersey – considered d*******s, their inclusion would be detrimental to the whanau.

3. Champions do extra

Former All Black Brad Thorn's mantra, 'Champions Do Extra', helped him become one of the single most successful players in rugby history.

The philosophy simply means finding incremental ways to do more – in the gym, on the field, or for the team. It is much like the philosophy of marginal gains used by Team Sky.

A focus on continual improvement, the creation of a continual learning environment, and a willingness to spill blood for the jersey was at the core of Graham Henry's All Black culture.

4. Keep a blue head

Following their arguably premature exit at the 2003 World Cup, the All Blacks worked with forensic psychiatrist Ceri Evans to understand how the brain works under pressure. They wanted to overcome their habit of choking.

'Red Head' is an unresourceful state in which you are off task, panicked and ineffective. 'Blue Head', on the other hand, is an optimal state in which you are on task and performing to your best ability.

The All Blacks use triggers to switch from Red to Blue. Richie McCaw stamps his feet, literally grounding himself, while Kieran Read stares at the farthest point of the stadium, searching for the bigger picture.

Using these triggers, the players aim to achieve clarity and accuracy, so they can perform under pressure.

5. Leave the jersey in a better place

The All Blacks have long had a saying: ‘leave the jersey in a better place’. Their task is to represent all those who have come before them – from George Nepia to Colin Meads, Michael Jones to Jonah Lomu, and all those who follow suit. An All Black is, by definition, a role model to schoolchildren across New Zealand.

Understanding this responsibility creates a compelling sense of higher purpose. It's a good lesson for us all: if we play a bigger game, we play a more effective game.

Better people make better All Blacks – but they also make better doctors and lawyers, bankers and businessmen, fathers, brothers, and friends.

by James Kerr

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Teknik Forex Sebenar 5th Edition Will Be Relaunched on 18th November 2013!!

Good news for you. If your really want to learn forex from the best forex Guru in Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei and Indonesia, you have the chance to learn with Teknik Forex Sebenar (TFS) courses and forex ebook written by Khalid Hamid.

Further information will be given in the nearest period of time. For present, you may download the FREE preview of the ebook here.

Teknik Forex Sebenar (TFS) Secret Group in Facebook

This is the secret weapon of many traders who bought the TFS. They gained access to a secret group in TFS.

What is the best thing being in this group?

This group is the secret weapon for the TFS buyers. The after sales support from the writer himself specially for you. This group is also as an additional support beside from the ebook and the tutorial video included in the package. Should you need additional advice, you may ask the experience traders in the group. The respond and guide are brilliant, with accurate forex analysis (Disclaimer: Trade at Your Own Risk).

As an additional, Khalid Hamid often give updates and his thoughts in this group. For a newbie like me, it can be a very satisfying advice from the Guru himself, Khalid Hamid. Let us look at one of the posts made ​​by Masta Khalid in the group:

You will only get this kind of feedback if you BUY Teknik Forex Sebenar. All buyers will be given a FREE pass to join this FB's Secret Group.


Sorry guys. Teknik Forex Sebenar is currently still close and will not receive any order until the opening day (18th November 2013). But you may view the Teknik Forex Sebenar website HERE. (if you can't wait any longer. :D) or you can click on the banner on top of the sidebar.

You may contact me should you need any advise or assistance.

Have a blast day ahead!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Change Is Good

Somehow the thought of any real change causes a tightening in your chest, a lump in your throat and a burn in your stomach. Why? Change evokes fear automatically as a human response.

Since the beginning of time, mankind has grappled with change. We all know stories or have loved ones or friends who are so rigid in their thinking that even the most minor deviation from their daily routine sends them into a tailspin.

But change is good! Not for the sake of change, but because it shakes things up, allows you to broaden your scope and opens your mind to possibilities that were never apparent.

Resisting change causes a great deal of stress and can be extremely uncomfortable. But continuing to resist inevitable or positive change immobilizes people and their ability to perform their work at a high level. Some very smart and seemingly successful people have failed for this reason alone.

What can we do? Try this. Every time someone presents you with an opportunity for change or a new set of circumstances hits you square in the face and does not give you a choice, stop, relax and do not resist. Simply be with the news for a while. After all, the change is not usually going to occur instantaneously. I call it the 24 hour rule. See how you feel 24 hours later. By then you have had time to digest the information, visualize what aspects of your daily routine and life it will affect and then purposely look for ways that it could actually be a good thing. For with every change, even when it is perceived as bad, there is always something there that will propel you positively forward if you will let it.

Turn your fear of change into your love of improvement!